I was back at the CrossFit gym again this morning for another excellent session. It started with 5 sets of 3 reps of shoulder press. It took me a couple of sets to find my weight and I was certainly struggling on the last set. It was then into the WOD; today it was a 12 minute circuit of 4 burpees, 8 overhead squats (squats holding a weighted bar above you head), and then 12 kettlebell raises (not sure if thats what they are actually called), the idea being to get through as many sets as possible in 12 minutes. After the shoulder presses this was a really hard session and I was breathing very hard at the end. When I got home I had a lovely soak in the bath that made it all worthwhile.
The weather here is chuffin' cold at the moment; I'm hoping it will be a bit warmer tomorrow as I want to get out on my bike for a couple of hours.
Train smart folks.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
Weather here is beautiful :-) we rode for an hour or so this morning. I've changed Mr G's position on his bike (was new last year) and boy did it make a difference, I might have to change it back when he's not looking LOL!
We did our own version of CrossFit first thing. The WOW (workout of the week from MDA) was this - use pack of cards, assign an exercise to a each suit then work your way through the deck doing however many are indicated by the card number. Takes 40 minutes - good session. And Mr G learned the Sun Salute from Yoga as well that was assigned to Clubs!
Sick of this dull grey lifeless weather, roll on summer
keep up these workouts and you will start to look like turboman!
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