My legs were still tired and aching this morning but I couldn't afford another slack day. I was working in Bedord and had a late start/late finish so to make the best of it I decided to run to the pool, swim, and then run home again. So, 28 min run there, 35 min swim session including 3 x 400m in 6:52, 6:42 (drafting) and 6:43, and then another 28 min run home for a good hour and a half session. The second run was hard as my legs really wanted to stop, but I wouldn't let them, oh no, it was HTFU time and so I gritted my teeth and just got on with it.
When it was over, I felt really good. I know I'm not swimming as fast as last year but I was barely out of breath doing those times which means I should be able to get on the bike and really nail it. Which would be a really good thing to do. In my opinion.
Those legs are not the pistons of Turbo Man! For a start, there is no stubble on them; secondly, you can distinguish the difference between the calf and ankle. I am having easy week dude. That said, I am losing out on sleep due to family illness.......again!
Those swim times look good to me, I did my 400, 300, 200, 100 test set today (after about 2k) and managed 6:51 off 8 mins 5:08 off 6 mins 3:21 of 4 and finally 1:38 off 2. Just outside a test done 6 weeks ago.
Best I keep improving my biking or you'll beat me in Ireland :-0
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