'It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.' Theodore Roosevelt 23 April 1910

Wednesday, 21 May 2008

Brize Tri

Where do I start? First race of the year and there was so much going on.

I'll start with my race.
Swim - I was in the same wave as Sam Wright and the RAF's Golden Girl, Bev, so it would be a good wave to see how I'm going. Well, I was 3rd out of my wave but Dale called 6:40 as I exited the door of the pool to transition so I was very pleased with that.
T1 - Bit of a faff getting the tritop on over wet skin but until I have a one piece for sprint events this is the only option.
Bike - The bike route is short at about 10.5 miles and I was determined to treat it like a TT with a full on effort. Once onto the road I could see Bev but she wasn't exactly hanging about and I had to work hard to catch her. Sam by this time was well out of sight but I got my head down and gritted my teeth; this was really hurting. It was worth it though because after a few minutes I got my first sight of Sam and another couple of minutes and I cruised passed him, trying to look relaxed and in control when I actually felt anything but. First problem came at the major right turn; when I got there there was a lorry doing a 3-point turn in the junction and I had no choice but to stop and unclip and wait for him to sort it out. I reckon I was stationary for about 10 seconds but there's the slowing down and speeding up time as well. Later, I was catching Chairman Pete at the 2nd right turn and got caught behind a white van, not a great problem, cost me maybe 4 or 5 seconds, but I had neglected to change down and when I went to get going again I was in a MASSIVE gear.
T2 - No problems here and I ran out with Dale's words of encouragement ringing in my ears "Your favourite bit now Mick!"
Run - I hadn't got far when I had a pain in the stomach area, it was like a stitch but went right across just below the ribcage. It felt like cramp and/or I had a large ball of wind that needed to get out. However, just after Sam cruised passed me things got a bit better and I started what could almost be described as a run. It was still hurting but it was bearable, although my mouth now resembled a very dry thing.

I finished in 58:37ish, an improvement of some 30 seconds from last year but both the bike and run routes were slightly longer so I am well happy.

Sags was awesome, although not quite as awesome as the official results suggested. He started 4 mins behind but didn't overtake me so there is NO WAY he finished in 52:52 against my 58:37; I think the timing fairies were being a bit optimistic there.

Reg DNF'd - what's that all about? Hero to Zero mate, you need to HTFU! Give yourself a good talking to like you did after Dambuster last year; you came back strongly from that so fingers crossed for you.

No doubt the forum will fill in a few more details in due course.

Next races for me are the Bala HIM on 8 June followed by the Odiham Sprint on 11 June. I suspect I won't be at my sharpest for the Odiham race!


Kelda said...

Plenty of room for time gains then Turbo, that's a good swim time though.

Turbo Man said...

Thanks Kelda. I'm very happy with my swim, bike and T2 performances and I need a one piece tri suit to sort my T1 issues. It's a slow run at Brize, not sure why as it's not long, but there was only one run under 20 minutes. Should I be unhappy about being less than a minute per mile slower than Sags? Usually I would consider that a result!

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