I haven't done enough of this so far this year. We had some tech issues going on at work today so there would be no computers so I decided it would be a good day to cycle to and from work. I set off at 0645 and arrived 1 hour 19 mins later having covered 40.9km, including Huntingdon town centre and Cambridge city centre. This evening the wind had got up but I increased the effort and covered 40.1km (not having to go all the way round Huntingdon ring road) in a time of 1 hour 19 mins. I was planning to swim this evening but I think I will benefit more from an early night; I'm in Luton tomorrow so it's the hilly run.
Still, a good days training.
Have you seen Sags new front wheel? Looks very deep and very nice; can't wait to see it in the flesh (carbon?). Personally, I fancy the Extreme Windcheeter wheel (see above); if it's good enough for Bradley Wiggins it should be good enough for me. Best I start saving my pennies cos they ain't cheap.
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