This is Bandit, my 18-month old lurcher. He is probably the main reason my running has improved this winter as he has become my runing partner over the last 6 months or so. By definition, a lurcher is a cross-breed and Bandit's mother was a fully-fledged racing greyhound until she broke a leg. His father was a greyhound/saluki/collie cross which is where he gets his endurance from. And he's pretty quick (unlike me) and enjoys nothing more than chasing rabbits, squirrels and anything else small and furry that moves. He is exceptionally friendly and likes nothing better after a good run than to cuddle up on the sofa.
Awesome! T Man has opened his Blog - nice one my friend. Great to break a run pb; now I am scared! Maybe we should do that run together and see if you can go sub 55 mins?
Welcome to my Blog buddy!
Judging by how I felt today I reckon sub 55 is well on the cards (ona good day). Looking forward to a long ride tomorrow.
How on earth am I supposed to get anything done, that's three blogspots to read! Sounds like you've had a good week. Just back from the New Forest Triathlon, course looked horrendous on recce but was actually great to race, but the run is chuffin' hard!
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