I know I'm still some way off where my cycling peak was last year, but I seem to now be in that very pleasant place where I am really enjoying my cycling and I feel that I'm moving along at a reasonable pace. This evening I rode to the CrossFit gym for tonight's strength session, and once on the top of the hill there was a nice tailwind pushing me along at a fair old pace. So fair a pace, in fact, that the group of teenage scooter-ists (is that a real word?) were only travelling 1 or 2 mph more than I was! The looks on their faces were priceless! And I smashed my home to gym PB (41 minutes)!
The WOD was AMRAP in 5 minutes of 3 x deadlifts (65kg for me, a bit too light in hindsight) and 7 x push-press (32.5kg, probably just about right). I managed 6 rounds with 3 deadlifts and 1 push-press of the 7th round. After a few minutes recovery I had a very pleasant ride home, the wind was not too bad and with the downhill assistance I managed the return journey in 41 minutes. Proves how fast going there was!
Train smart (take note Roy!).
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