Today's WOD, going under the name of 'Bull', was extremely tough. Two times through of:
200 double unders (or 600, yes, 600 of normal skipping)
50 overhead squats
50 pull-ups
1 mile run
Age makes one wise and I set myself a reasonable weight on the bar that I could manage 50 reps of overhead squats. Many others found them selves taking weight off as the WOD progressed. I'm afraid I can't tell you what weight I used, but I confess that there was one lady there squatting more than me! As for the pull-ups, I ended up back on the blue band again; I'm not yet capable of 50 reps on the purple. But I will get there. The run was OK, I tried to keep pushing myself but on the 2nd set a truck went past me going in the opposite direction and the draft from it almost stopped me in my tracks! I put another effort in and made it to the end in a little over 40 minutes. Absolute nails session.
Train smart folks.
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