No, not He Who Must Not Be Named but the P*ncture Fairy; she paid me a visit on our ride out this evening. As usual with such visits, it happened on a tiny country lane in the pitch black. Fortunately I was riding with someone who was well prepared, and wearing a head torch, otherwise it would have been a right pain in the butt. It didn't spoil a great ride out though and if you've never ridden downhill on an unlit country lane with no idea which way the road is going then I can thoroughly recommend it! Adrenaline? I should say so! (Perhaps not for you though Sags?). We covered a little over 60km in 2 hrs 10 mins, with the last 10 or so km done at a very rapid rate and, once again, I jumped off the last roundabout, half a mile from the finish. And once again, I was caught but this time Ed did not sit up as he went past and there was no chance of me getting back.
I'm feeling brilliant as I sit here with a good ride under my belt and compression tights on. I have 6 hrs 45 mins in the training log that includes 5 hrs 45 mins and 105 miles of cycling (ave 18.2mph) - and it's only wednesday! What's more impressive is that my body seems to be adapting to the cycling quite quickly - I struggled last Wednesday to cover 30 miles at a slower pace than we did today and I felt strong enough towards the end to take the front and push on at over 40kmh, and even when I weakened and Ed took the front and ramped it up a little further (!) I was able to catch his wheel (he pulled a gap but I got back on - just!). I'll see how the legs are in the morning but at the moment I'm feeling really good.
Train smart fellow bloggers.
1 comment:
That cannot be the puncture fairly!
I could be in trouble on Sunday's ride if Turbo Man maintains this sort of improvement.
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