One of the funniest programmes on TV, in my humble opinion, but also entirely appropriate for me at the moment. Do good things and good things will happen to you, and (my interpretation) all things happen for the best.
And so it is that due to work commitments I will not be able to make either the Inter Services duathlon or the Inter Services triathlon. "So where's the Quid Pro Quo?" I here you ask. Well thank you for your question and it is quite straightforward. I am now only doing 3 triathlons this year, and these will be the 3 RAF Sprint Series races, so I only have to swim 400 metres, 3 times, and I only have to run 5km, 3 times. Everything else will now be cycling orientated, which is very good news for my Barcelona team mates. And there is more good news (although I may have already mentioned this), in that I now share an office with the Chairman of RAF Cycling and, most unusually for me, we were out on the road and did 30 miles this evening, in the dark, something I would never have done on my own. Yes, I spent a lot of the time hanging on to his back wheel but I didn't disgrace myself and had enough left to attempt a sprint finish off the last roundabout (I was caught quite quickly!). Also, there is the Inter Services Sportive on 7 June (see the RAF Cycling website for details) with distances of 77 and 126 miles that I have pencilled into my calendar (126 miles naturally, although I strongly suspect that I will not be that fit by then so it will end up being a total sufferfest!) but it will be a good indicator of how I am shaping up for Barcelona.
Anyway, it's only Wednesday and I've already racked up 85 miles of cycling this week so I'm starting as I mean to go on.
So, this year I will be mostly cycling and do you know what? I'm really looking forward to it.
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