At lunchtime I hit the treadmill for one quarter of the marathon (that's 10.55km for those of you messing about at the back) completed at my revised marathon pacing strategy. Yes, I've revised it again as I have found out that when I'm tired my ability to do mental arithmetic, something that it may surprise you to hear I am usually quite good at, disappears. Therefore, my new regime is 4 minutes running 1 minute walking. This increases my run to walk ratio compared to my previous regime and also means that I only have to worry about 4 and 9s, and that when the stopwatch hits a minute ending in 4 or 9 I can walk for one minute. Easy peasy. Anyway, putting this in to practice I recorded a new season PB by completing the 10.55km in 64 mins 16 seconds and felt very comfortable doing it. It doesn't take the brain of Einstein to work out that extrapolating this up to full marathon distance equates to a sub 4 hour 20 min finishing time, and if I'm totally honest if I could run sub 4:30 for the mara I would be one very happy person. But I'm not counting any chickens yet, I can assure you.
But that's not all. This evening I headed out to the garage and did 35 minutes of easy pedalling, keeping in the small chainring and working through the gears. So, 100 minutes today and I'm feeling really good. It's only one day but I feel energised and motivated. Now all I need is for the sun to start shining!
All the best.
Good man! I've got a funny feeling that your run/walk strategy will be changing the closer you get to The Outlaw. ;-)
Me too, by the second half Mr T you can walk for 4 and run for 1 too keep the maths simple :-)
Good to hear your mojo is returning.
The strategy is flexible based on how I'm feeling but there is no plan to run the whole way, if that's what you were suggesting Frank!
We'll see!
I can see the run/walk ratio moving towards 9:1 & then who knows, your ego might take over and you'll be running for 20 mins, then 30 mins..... ;-)
LOL! Have you seen me "run"?
Watch me at the IS duathlon (you'll probably have time to finish, shower and change before I get to the finish line!) and then I'll let you reconsider your comments!
I will send an assasin if you run the whole thing! I assume you do want to meet your grandchildren!
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