I managed my planned session on the turbo on Sunday, plus a little extra. The plan was 6 x (30 secs max 4 min recovery) but in the end I did 8, so very pleased. This took me to just over 9.5 hours of training for the week, so another small increase on the week before.
This week is more difficult due to work and family commitments restricting the available training time, although I hope to get another good road ride in on Saturday.
I checked Mrs TM bike's yesterday and it needs a trip to the bike shop for some TLC. It seems the lorry hit the pannier rack that is bent and the rear disc is now rubbing, so I expect that took some of the impact as well. There is also evidence on the handlebars and gear shifters of impact with the ground, and the handlebars are no longer pointing in the same direction as the wheel. I think this just needs re-aligning rather than the handlebars actually being bent. And I know where the bill is going!
Train smart folks, and be careful out there!
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
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