After last week's disappointing training effort I've started off easy this week, with a 30 min 'fast legs' and 'sort of tabata' session ('sort of' as in 5 secs very fast spin 15 secs easy). HR was under control and I felt good.
Looking ahead, I have a strength block coming up, and I'm at a bit of a loss as to what, exactly, to do. Big gear, slow cadence work is the general idea but can anyone help me with specific sessions? And can I (indeed should I?) be doing normal cycling during this block? Or should everything be big gear, low cadence during this period?
Grateful for any advice.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
It depends how much cycling you're doing per week. More than 8hrs and you can include all paces just change the emphasis. Less then I would stick to endurance, tempo and force for this block. If you really like your sprints include eg tabata at the beginning of your tempo as a 'warm up'.
Here is your force production session to do once a week for this block.
A force production session, low cadence with aerobic HR.
10mins warm up raising power as you go then...
3 x 10min @ 70-75% FTP & 35-40rpm, 2min RI @ 80-100w & 80-85 rpm
6mins cool down.
Done. Any qus?... no good. Send a cheque any time.
Neill, i suspect that not many triathletes with any sort of family committments actually log 8hrs of biking a week! Although you may be the exception. i bagged over 10hrs biking last week but only because I can't run at the moment.
Many thanks Neill; I doubt I will be doing more than 8 hours per week on the bike so will do endurance tempo and your force session.
Or and this isn't so dissimilar, I've been doing a 'climbing' session weekly and this is has worked really well for bring up the power ...
10 w/u, 2 x 5 mins at 50-55 rpm holding heart rate below 80%, 5 mins spin in between. 2 x 10 mins with first 10 mins as holding 85 rpm big gear heart rate at climbing threshold I sit around 90% max, then 5 min spin followed by another 10 min stint but this time alternate 1 min at 60 rpm 1 min at 90 rpm but keeping heart rate at the 90% mark, 10 mins spin down.
This gives you a bit of high end work but still with the focus on strength. I have the turbo raised 3-4 inches at the front for this session to replicate climbing (allegdly!).
Glad you are back training :-)
No worries Mick. Hope you enjoy it. I quite like the grind. Probably say something about me.
Hi Sags, I'm right on the 8hr threshold and I won't be adding any speedy stuff for another month eventhough I would really like as an athlete the coach in mr thinks better of it. Any conflict with running though and a bike ride falls away. 18ish weeks to Roth. Monk-like lifestyle is kicking in. :-)
Keep up the good work Turbo.
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