Inspiration can come from anywhere, and sometimes it's origin may surprise you. Recently, a fellow blogger posted a thread about duathlons (see here: ) and despite may hatred for all things running related I found this inspired me to do a gym-based duathlon today. Based on what I believe are the Inter-Services distances of 5km run, 20km bike and a final 2.5km run I prepared myself mentally for the challenge by thinking it through and aiming for an irregular strategy that is better suited to my low boredom threshold when running.
I started at 10kmh but increased the treadmill speed by 0.5kmh every 75 seconds until I reached 13kmh, and then reduced the speed by 0.5kmh until it reached 11kmh and then I started increasing speed again, this time until I reached 14kmh. The upshot of this was that I reached 5km in a very respectable (for me) 24:17. A quick change of trainers, wipe down the treadmill and then ... wait.
The problem with planning gym based sessions is that the other gym users just don't appreciate what you are trying to do, and I had to wait almost 2 minutes for a gym bike to become available. But when it did I leapt aboard with vigour and hit it hard. HR was soon above 80% MHR and towards the end it was approaching 90% (Eek!!!) but despite my lack of bike mileage this year I felt good and reached 20km in 35:28 (33.8kmh).
Another 'quick' change of trainers and a wipe down of the gym bike (twas very sweaty!) and it was back on the treadmill for the final 2.5km run. The original treadmill I used wasn't available so I had to use another that was calibrated in mph! I was tired and my brain wasn't ready to have to do mental arithmetic so as I started running I was desperately asking the runners on either side how far and how fast I need to go! This was a real effort, nothing was to be spared and I ended up doing 30 secs at 6 min/mile followed by 1 min at 7.30 min/mile and hit 1.56 miles (that I think equates to 2.5km) in exactly 11 minutes. I was absolutely over the moon with that time!
The impact on my body was not good, though. My legs feel somewhat wooden now and no doubt they will be very sore tomorrow. But I am happy that I am making progress in getting some run form (no matter how poor) into my legs.
And a big 'thank you' to Frank for the inspiration!
Train well folks.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
nice one, your running much better than me!
You're running!
Now the Outlaw won't seem quite so daunting :-)
That 2 min transition is an improvement for you 8-) it's good to mix it up like that. I am sure that sort of session will help you gain overall strength.
Now here's a spanner in the works for you that will make the second run at the Int Services Du even more painful: the chip timing is used to sort a fastest bike lap challenge! You won't be able to resist that will you?!
Turbo, told you a couple of blogs back you would be sub 25min for the run, good efforts keep it up i'm confident you can run a 23.
Me? An inspiration? Don’t, you’ll have me crying next! ;-)
Sags - LOL! Ever thought of giving up your day job and becoming a stand up comedian?
Daz - Steady on mate, I will be happy with sub 25!
Frank - :-)
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