Or at least it is my new regime for the foreseeable future; hopefully I will be able to do this 2 or 3 times a week, and back this up with a couple of standalone CrossFit sessions and some more bike miles, including a hardcore turbo interval session.
I measured my bike route to the CrossFit gym this morning; 12.5 miles door-to-door. The outward leg seems to be into the prevailing winds and there is the big hill to get up as well. But it makes the ride home very pleasant, especially after a hard session. Talking of which ...
Today was:
100 Sumo deadlifts (I think that is what they're called) - 16kg kettlebell for me
50 Thrusters - 15kg bar
30 pull-ups - blue band for assistance
So a good session and 25 miles on the bike as well. Legs are somewhat sore now. Hopefully I can get another Bike-CrossFit-Bike session in tomorrow before my rest day on Monday when I have to take the kids back to school.
Train smart folks.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
Let's just be clear, spending 8 - 9 hours in the car driving your kids back to school is not a rest day! Take Tuesday off as well. And Wednesday ... then you might have allowed your cells to have adapted to the load and you can work harder and heavier on Thursday.
Alternative you can continue on your mad campaign :-)
Continue on your mad campaign, sounds like fun!!!! ;-)
K - You're absolutely right, a day in the car is hard work and I am usually exhausted when I get home. Tuesday will certainly be an easy day, if not a full on rest day.
I don't think my new regime is actually that mad, it fits in with the primal way of exercising and as long as my ride to and from the gym is not too hard it should be OK. I ride the hill steadily and am certainly not maxing out, although HR is definitely elevated. Maybe I should wear a HRM on day?
Frank - It is exceptionally good fun! My happy rating is 8 or 9 out of 10 at the moment.
A heart rate monitor once or twice would be interesting, especially through a cross-fit session or two. Just for interest, not obsessing. Generally speaking CF isn't far off Primal but it depends on the gym but it wouldn't be carried out so often.
As for happiness ratings ... that is mightily important. Today's happiness rating - 11! Hard work at the sportive due to hills and wind and I felt a bit like a track cyclist the amount I had to keep looking behind to make sure my wing man was keeping up! We started first and were passed by just about everyone but I cared not a jot and to be perfectly honest the hoards of triathlon-clad riders that went by, heads down, dripping sweat, focussed on bike monitors and ignorning the fantastic views was just plain sad ... I can't believe I used to be one of those people.
you've changed!
I need to catch up with you, Roy!
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