I saw the photos this evening of me riding at the Meon Valley Riser last Sunday; no wonder I struggled, I seemed to be carrying rather a lot of ... er ... excess baggage, if you know what I mean. Black can be such a cruel colour my dear!
Tonight I ordered the final bits to finish off my Litespeed; new pedals and a 12-25 cassette will do just nicely I think. The gears will be sorted this weekend and I am actually looking forward to the IS duathlon, maybe not for the event itself but certainly to catch up with a few buddies.
Today I had a very pleasant session at the gym; 10 minutes on the rower getting progressively harder, then into the weights area to practice my technique, then onto the bike for a 10 minute effort. Training is, as you may imagine,a bit haphazard at the moment. CrossFit is my guide and if I can't get to the CrossFit gym I will try and do the WOD in the gym at work, if at all possible. And if not, I will improvise.
The next couple of days will be difficult from a training perspective; work is very busy at the moment and tomorrow evening will be spent tidying up ready for the kids coming home for Easter hols. And on Friday I head off to Leeds early in the morning to collect the kids from school. I don't mind the journey and I've recently purchased an ipod that now lives in the car with my favourite tunes, all controlled through the car stereo's remote control that makes the miles seem to pass a lot quicker. And if I get bored with my ipod I also have DAB radio as well as normal radio. Unfortunately, DAB radio reception can be a bit hit or miss with the windscreen mounted aerial so I really need to get a proper roof mounted DAB aerial.
I've been very good on the eating front this week, so I'm hoping that by the time of the IS duathlon I will have shed some of the excess baggage I winessed last Sunday.
All the best folks.
A link to offending pictures?
Don't forget some of the weight gain is bound to be upper body musclature from all the Crossfit.
Schleck et al don't look the way they do for no reason ... :-)
And no, I shouldn't be on the internet at 0320 in the morning, ho hum!
Enjoy seeing the kids Tman, Beth finished last week so she has nearly 4 weeks off!
Pictures here:
You may have to search; race number was 101.
TMan, need to get hold of you, can you drop me an email skye.theboxer (at)virgin.net
Hi Daz
Email sent
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