After 2 years of cycling I'm really enjoying doing something different, although for you triathletes swimming and running doesn't really constitute something different! I've also introduced some weights into my weekly routine, a low weight higher rep session and and higher weight low rep session. I must say that my muscles are noticing the change in emphasis as well, and I do ache in a whole bunch of different places!
I've done 2 swim sets this week, Monday was 5 x 200m + 8 x 33m lengths of drills and technique. Wednesday was a MASSIVE 6 x 200m session on 4:30 with swim times as:
3:39 (fatigue setting in already)
3:47 (easy)
3:34 (increased effort level)
3:57 (very easy)
Considering my swim history over the last 2 years I am absolutely delighted with these times. Distance in increasing slowly; absolutely no need to rush.
Bike prep is continuing. I would recommend anyone who needs some Shimano 10-speed STIs to pop over to Parker-International's website; they have brand new 2008 Ultegra STI's for an absolute bargain price. I can now upgrade my Planet X bike to 10-speed and complete my old Scott re-build that will be left at the new house in Leeds.
Eating and drinking is continuing apace; in fact, even better than the bike prep! I got on the scales yesterday and it wasn't pretty. Never mind; I'll start eating sensibly again next week.
All the best fellow Bloggers.
1 comment:
Oh yes, think I can probably outdo you on the weight gain this week!
Nothing non-Grok but I really didn't need a three course pub lunch followed by a two course restaurant evening meal today both with wine ...
Back to normal on Monday :-)
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