I'm glad to say that I have stepped off the slippery slope and am now back on the path heading towards weight loss Nirvana. I have managed to cut out ALL of the cookies and ice cream and any other temptation that may cross my path. I have got back in to the training regime and am even doing early morning runs to kick start the metabolism. Unfortunately I don't have any scales here so I can't actually count progress so there will be no "Graph of Porkdom", you will just have to wait until I return to Dear Old Blighty at the beginning of Feb for the Grand Weigh-In. I must thank Sags for putting me forward for The Biggest Loser; made me feel REALLY GOOD! :-)
All things being equal I should be on the plane home 3 weeks today - woo hoo!!!
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
Good luck with the crash diet. Your better off not having scales, it will be a nicer surprise seeing the end total rather than a daily update. Work hard for the next 3 weeks and have a safe trip home.
Don't give me that! There are scales in the gym (both gyms) in Al Udeid. Get on 'em and give us an update! :-)
Thanks Daz
Frank, you are, of course, quite right, but neither scales are available to weigh me first thing in the morning when I am "au naturel" (ladies, you can thank me later for the image I have just projected to you).
Anyway, I finally cracked at lunchtime today and had a small piece of cheesecake. But, I was up at 0545 this morning to go on the PTI's Early Bird 5-mile run and I have an hour on the bike booked for this evening. Sometimes, you just deserve these things.
So very weak. . . .
Cheesecake? A cake made of cheese? You are weak young Mick!
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