1. My new Litespeed paint job. Although I have posted a number of pictures on my blog they really don't do the new paint job justice. Today was the first time Jonny had seen it and he was impressed; in the sunlight the Italian pearl white metallic appears to 'shimmer' and the subtle logos are just so stylish (even if I say so myself). Less is most definitely more in this case.
2. Shutt Velo Rapide kit. You may not have heard of this company as they are relatively new but they produce a range of quite stunning cycling kit. See here: http://www.shuttvr.com/. Today I was trying their team jersey and coolmax socks for the first time. I'll start with the socks because they're easy -white, with a subtle logo on the outside. Co-ordinates well with the bike and my other kit (and that's, like, really important!) and do the job of a sock very well. Very comfortable, in that I wasn't aware of them at all during the ride, and kept my feet cool. Job done.

3. And finally, the bike fit. As expected, my initial impression was that the saddle was too high, as I felt that I was over-extending my leg and being forced to point my toes at the bottom of the pedal stroke. Andy had a look whilst we were riding and confirmed this to be the case. But it was very comfortable and I tested myself on a couple of the hills and I was riding up them one or two gears higher than I had before (word of caution here, I have completed a solid block of training since I last did this ride so it may be that improved power output helped). On one hill I even rode up it in the big ring where previously I had always dropped into the small ring. I have no back or comfort issues to report either so the first impression is a very positive one, although I will wait and see how I feel in the morning.
All in all I'm feeling very positive at the moment. Train smart folks.
Excellent news. I too rode today in my new position, with toes pointing down somewhat, but no problems and easier up the hills - there must be something in having a Retul fit done!
Shutt - I too was in my new Shutt top - and by the way they have 15% off if you use the CW4 code (from cycling weekly) this week. And it performed perfectly again.
I don't have Shutt socks though and my feet were soaked and cold even with two overshoes on each foot!
Adrian says it's not Italian sizing (they are a UK company) you just must be a fat git!
I bought the Shutt Team jersey so I am part of the Shutt Team - I get 15% off everything!
It's just the team kit that is sized small to get the race fit. All other kit is designed around UK sizes..
Peter @ Shutt
Thanks for clarifying that Pete.
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