It was really good to meet so many old faces last weekend; I don't think I have been called a 'turncoat' by so many people in such a short space of time before! I really enjoyed myself although it was a real shame that Sunday morning's bike ride was cancelled due to snow. It was good to meet many of the key players in RAF Cycling and I managed to add to my kit collection by picking up a rain jacket and thermodry sleeveless jacket. The roller racing was a right laugh, although my recently increased power output was clearly too much for the bike and despite having a helper I managed to get the back wheel off the rollers (or was it my unbalanced pedal stroke?).
The most important aspect, though, was my increased motivation to ride my bike. I'm really pleased with how comfortable my training bike is and the Shimano R500 wheels roll really nicely for such reasonably priced items. I have another week of work commitments that are very likely to prevent me training at lunchtimes but I hope that by next week this busy phase of work will be behind me and I can get stuck in to a proper training programme.
I'm looking forward to training smart.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
how can people call you, 'iron-turbo' a turn-coat? i am shocked and apalled....
traitor perhaps, weasel, maybe! but not turncoat.
enjoy the hard work, should be around for some weekend rides in a few weeks b4 the black rat thing!
training JFDI.
I prefer weasel!!!!
I may not be around for the Black Rat now; I have an opportunity to be in Italy that weekend ...
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