With work commitments again restricting volume at the beginning of the week it was a case of getting the quality in and the volume will come later when work and domestic commitments sort themselves out (that will hopefully be next week). So with some good sessions on the turbo in the evening I was ticking over quite nicely, and then an opportunity arose to get a good session in during Friday lunchtime, followed this up with a 2.45 ride with Coastal Controller on Saturday and then managed 1.45 on the turbo watching the Carling Cup Final, including 2 x 20 mins at approx 90% FTP. The Saturday ride was really enjoyable but I reckon we would have stayed drier had we gone swimming; it lashed down on a couple of occasions and I was wet absolutely everywhere! Fortunately it wasn't that cold so not too uncomfortable, although the headwind on the way home (after Jonny broke off for his run) meant it was a bit of a crawl home for me. I managed 9 hours this week so in the end it wasn't too bad.
Unfortunately, and as mentioned in my previous post, I can't make the Black Rat sportive now. We have always wanted to visit the ruins of Pompeii and Rome and an opportunity has come up that we have decided to take. I'm really looking forward to my first visit to Italy although as a fan of Italian food and wine I suspect that my waistline may suffer.
Train smart folks.