And it was going so well...
Yesterday was a recovery session on the turbo; should have been a road ride but as the Litespeed was off the road the turbo it had to be. No problem. The postie delivered the new cables yesterday (Wednesday) so the plan was to get my turbo session (3 x 20) done this morning and then fit the new cables. Fate, however, had other ideas.
The first problem was a bottle of red wine I consumed last night. I am a complete alcohol lightweight but the effect of a good bottle of red on me was terrible. I had a kingsize hangover this morning that still hasn't fully cleared off. So the turbo session hasn't yet happened, and unless I feel better in the next hour is not likely to either. The second problem occurred hen I was fitting my gear cables. I tried to adjust the downtube adjusters and one came off in my hand; well the top bit did, the threaded bit remained in the frame. BU&&ER! I tried to remove it but it was stuck firm so I took the bike to the bike shop to see if they can sort it. I will get the bike back on Saturday.
So, nothing today and tomorrow it's a family trip to the Isle of Wight on the hovercraft. The kids are looking forward to their first flight (for that is what it is, apparently) and then a trip to a wildlife park.
Best I get some miles in over the weekend then!
Train smart
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
A couple of days off will do you the world of good, you'll come back refreshed and ready to hit on the weekend.
PS. Don't let those roadies bully you about your cables on the "other" forum! ;-)
Feeble excuse not to train. You should feel guilty as a guilty thing!
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