Today was the session of pain, both mentally and physically, the 40km turbo TT. I woke up feeling a bit lethargic and my legs are beginning to feel the mileage I've put into them so far this week, but after breakfast, a walk along the beach and a strong coffee it was time.
I mentioned yesterday that I was hoping for a good result as PoD has more appropriate gearing for this sort of effort, but it still hurt. A lot! I started off at a sensible pace of approx 310 watts and after 8 minutes flicked it up a gear and was producing about 335 watts. I couldn't sustain this, though, and had to drop it down a gear and back to 310 watts but I found I could recover at this power level (just below FTP) and I was able to put it up a gear after 5 minutes. And this is how the session progressed; 5 minutes at the higher power level and then 5 minutes recovering. With about 8km to go, though, there was no place for recovery, just pain, pain, pain.
At the end I was spent, so spent in fact that I failed to note the average power for the session - what a muppet! I did, though, record the time. And yes, it was another PB. I am really chuffed, coming as it does at the end of a big week. The time? 50.33! Get in there!! Back of the net!!!
Tomorrow will be a very easy day; I was planning 2 hours but it may just be an hour as we will have visitors staying. And then on Sunday it's the New Forest Rattler, and 78 lumpy miles. I hope that DOMS doesn't put in an appearance because I want to feel fresh and strong and am targetting a Gold standard finish. Bring it on!
Train smart folks.
Brilliant!! Well done Mick. That must have been hard! Still, if the time is a PB, I am sure that average power must be up? Enjoy the Sportif and let me know how it goes - ride strong
Sub-5 Sub-5 Sub-5 ............
Cheers Sags. Yes, the figures are just numbers on a scale but they are getting bigger so I am improving. I know now that the sub 5 target time at Barca is physically achievable but need to get the pacing and feeding right, although as I will not be swimming or running there is a little more flex in the nutrition strategy.
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