As a triathlete, even a fairly ordinary MOPer or BOPer as I was, who competes at standard, middle distance or beyond, you develop a useful base of endurance, maybe without even realising it. Today at the CrossFit gym the session was:
100 pull-ups
100 kettlebell swings
100 double unders (or 300 single skips)
100 overhead squats
That is a lot of reps, and takes the advantage away from the strong and gives it to those who have developed a good level of endurance. For example, I am far from the strongest person there, and on the overhead squats I used nothing more than a 15kg barbell yet managed 100 reps (broken down into 5 sets of 20 taking a break inbetween to stretch out and have a mouthful of water). Interestingly, by the end of the session, there was no-one lifting more than a 15kg bar for this exercise, even though they may have started with a far larger weight.
I smashed through this in less than 22 minutes; it was over 10 minutes before the 2nd person finished! Plus 1 to the triathletes!
Train smart folks.
go turbo!
Mmm, interesting logic you use here ...
1 You haven't been a triathlete in years!
2 You started with a lower weight than most of the others ... ergo
3 This proves you use your brain better than the rest and
4 Not sure it says you have better endurance, you're just brighter than your average cross-dresser!
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