Training is going very well at the moment; my FTP is currently back to the same level as my 2009 peak, and I still have 4 months to go until my A race. I'm currently in the middle of a BIG week of training and this will lead into an easier week next week culminating in the 200km Magnificat sportive. After that will be a recovery week and then I have a 6-week block of training before The Outlaw IM-distance triathlon relay. And it's with this block of training that I need some help please.
So after 23 weeks of base and build I want to add some top end speed and speed/endurance. I'd like some suggestions as to what sessions are recommended and what sort of gains I can expect. I'm a bit beyond 'do some intervals' type of advice and would like an idea of a programme to follow for the 6 weeks. My thoughts are:
Monday - Rest & Recovery
Tuesday - 6 x 6 mins @ 105% FTP (total session time 68 mins)
Wednesday - 60 mins sub 140bpm (75%MHR)
Thursday - 6 x 6 mins @ 105% FTP
Friday - Rest & Recovery
Saturday - Long road ride (2 - 3 hours easy)
Sunday - Long road ride (2 - 3 hours moderate with some hill/sprint intervals)
I don't follow the 'build for 3 weeks recover for 1 week' philosophy and will train on 'feel', so if I am tired I will skip a session. I also feel that as this block will be more intense then I will need more rest (I'm not exactly getting any younger!). So, fellow bloggers, let me have your thoughts.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
That looks good to me although you may need to do a shorter weekend ride if fatigue is an issue.
If you really push the 6 x 6 mins that's where you'll get your top end gain which will drag your zones up and you should be able to see progression in your test 40 k TT. When working longer rides you need to be strict with working in the 70-80% zone and no more, keeping it at 70% and not lower for most of the time this will maintain the base endurance you have built up and should push your aerobic thresholds up from the bottom.
The weekend easy ride was going to be me on my own to ensure I train within the zone. The moderate ride would be with my training buddies so would be more of a fartlek/interval session.
Given your buddy ride will be much harder to control effort-wise it might be worth considering only doing that every 2nd or third week rather than every week as that is where the fatigue issues might build up.
Mark recommends those kinds of rides every 2-3 weeks to allow for some breakthroughs and fun but without falling into the Chronic Cardio zone on a regular basis.
Thanks K, I'll consider that. But, it is one of the highlights of my cycling week, really good fun and that, to me, is why I do this. Perhaps I should swap a 6 x 6 turbo session for this ride?
You're right T-Man, remember why we do this, it's meant to fun and something we look forward to. When it becomes a chore it's time to re-assess. Sub 5 this year!!!
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