I planned this week to be a BIG week and that is exactly how it turned out. I didn't complete every session on the programme but did plenty of quality, and rested when I felt tired. It was my biggest training week since January 2008 and is giving me a good feeling that my cycling is still improving. The stats tell me I completed just over 14 hours of training and some 405km (251 miles) of cycling. Within that mileage was a good mix of turbo intervals, sub 140bpm work, IM pace work, hills and TT style efforts.
So what has the bee got to do with things? Well today I was heading downhill at a reasonable pace when I felt a pin prick close to the top at the back of my right leg. The pin prick very quickly bloomed into a red hot poker being driven into my thigh. I managed to shout "I've been stung" to my riding buddy before completing an emergency stop. I was convinced the offending small dog-sized hornet (because I'm sure a humble bee couldn't have caused so much pain!) might still be in my shorts so by the time my riding buddy had returned to where I had stopped I was semi naked with my shorts around my knees desperately hunting for the offending beastie. It hadn't actually occurred to me that as I, like most cyclists, ride commando under their cycling shorts I was 'as nature intended' and showing an awful lot (nay, everything!) to anyone who may have been passing by. Fortunately, we were on a quite country lane so hopefully my indiscretion was only witnessed by my riding buddy (poor fellow!).
So look at for those little nasties, keep your mouth closed when descending quickly! :-)
All the best
T Man
You may want to consider rephrasing the statement about mouth closing in view of the former comment regarding your nakedness LOL! The mind boggles at the image you have invoked!
I feel sick.
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