Mrs T starts her job on Monday so I will need to sort my training programme out to fit around taking our daughter to school and collecting her; yep, for the first time I will be responsible for the school runs. What it does mean is that I definitely won't be at the Odiham sprint - we haven't had time to get childminding etc sorted. Never mind, it wasn't as if I would be setting the road alight.
Onto other things, the scales were good to me this morning - 11 stone 11 pounds. So thats 9 pounds I've lost since returning from Qatar and only 7 to go to reach my goal weight. Also, I managed 1 hour 40 mins of cycling today and have clocked up nearly 6 hours and 170km so far this week. With 126km of the IS Sportive on Sunday then 300+ km is definitely going to happen. Just a question of by how many I actually mange.
Train smart folks.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
11 stone 11 pounds? Are you sure you didn't have your considerable wallet in your pocket when you stepped on the scales?!?!?! :-)
Come now Frank, you know that Mr T allows Mrs T to hold the real money. This allows Mr T to abuse Ebay in isolation 8-)
Nice work on the weight reduction muffin man...... I mean Turbo Man!
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