As you all know, I'm not a great runner. Or even a good runner. In fact, I barely consider myself a runner at all. So today was the day that I would set my benchmark 5km time that would set me out as a runner. Or at least a future runner. Or runner to be. Or whatever; I think you'll understand.
So, 5km in 30.27 is the benchmark I set myself. Yes, you read that right. 5km (that's 5km, not 10!) in 30 minutes and 27 seconds. To give you the whole picture, I was using my jog/walk strategy at my marathon distance pace but using 4 min jog/1 min walk. At least I know I can knock a few minutes off this without too much difficulty. I want to do the Inter-Services duathlon in April so need to develop some run speed before then, if only to ensure I don't finish the first run dead last!
Train smart folks.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
You've to start somewhere T-Man, good start, see you at the IS duathlon hopefully.
Are you using the run/walk at the duathlon?
There is no hope 8-)
Seriously, keep your eye on the goal chap because I agree with your IM strategy
It'll come back soon sub 25 at the duathlon!
i would love to be able to run/walk?
stay fit young turbo!
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