I was feeling quite good today after Saturday's race effort so started the recovery process with a 50 min swim this morning, concentrating on good quality full stroke with a few drills thrown in for good measure, and a very easy 30 min spin on the turbo this evening (very easy as in ave power 211 watts ave HR 128). I feel really good now and will aim to step it up a bit tomorrow.
And to balance my opening statement here is me at the Aberfeldy finish line clearly letting the standards drop. Sorry Tinman but I was completely spent and zipping up never ocurred to me; it was warm by this time as well. As you can also see, the muffin top has reduced (although Kelda seems to disagree), and I am wearing my 2XU calf guards (from the Cowman goody bag - best gizzit of the year so far). It's not a great look I admit but I have to say that I think I actually noticed a difference. Certainly post race there was less aches and pains than usual but without actually trying Coach Roy's scientific experiment (wear a calf guard on one leg only) I will never know for sure. I am, though, convinced, and will be wearing them at all future MD/HIM races.
Train smart folks.
Now Turbo. I have a larger neck than both of you and cannot do the 1/3 zip fully up.
The comment about bare chests is to promote the sport positivly. Nothing worse than a sweaty hairy man with his chest out breathing heavy.
Beware the vit as Dave Rigby will be assisting me and is very hot on it and has been known to stop people in the race to correct them. I'm now a 4 and must be seen to uphold the rules!!!!
so put it away or else
That's all we need! An anal Tinman telling us how to dress!
You look pooped in the Aberfeldy pic mate! I like the sportif pic; good to see it again. What a great day that was. So wish i could have completed it. Oh well history now.
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