No, this is not another swim thread, it's all about the work-life balance. Or more specifically the work-rest-family-tri life balance.
This week I have been on leave and the kids have enjoyed a week at the King's Camp at Wyton. For those that don't know, King's Camp is an activity based club for the kids, where they do sports and craft type stuff. The eldest age group also get involved with helping supervising and organising the kids, so developing new skills. All 3 of my clan were involved and absolutely loved it. With them away, I foolishly thought I would get loads of training in but it just didn't happen. I found myself catching up on chores that Mrs Turbo had planned for me and whilst I got some really good sessions in on the bike and running (yes, you read that right, running) I just didn't manage the volume. And there has been no swimming whatsoever! I did get my core bike sessions in - the Level 3 (3 x 20 mins) and Level 4 (only 3 x 6 as I didn't get out until late) turbo sessions, and a short and hard road ride (53km in 1:39 - it was very windy!). Managed a long steady run with Sags this morning; the dogs came as well and we all seemed to enjoy it.
On the family front, on Friday night we went across to Molesworth for the "Tops in Blue" concert. This is a very professional song and dance show where all members of the cast are serving USAF personnel. Apparently they have a year out of work to tour the world visiting all places where the USAF are currently deployed. Nice work if you can get it. Great show as well. Saturday we went to Cambridge for a "Ghost Tour". It started with a punt ride on the Cam and then a guided tour of the haunted sites in Cambridge City Centre. It was raining very persistently whilst we waited for our punt but it eased off and was a very enjoyable trip.
I managed a large Dominos Pizza on Friday evening; half Hot'n'Spicy and half Vegetarian Supreme. Delicious. We've also been comparing doughnuts this week. First up was the local bakers sugar strand iced doughnuts, then some American iced doughnuts and finally the traditional jam doughnuts. For me, keeping it simple works and I preferred the traditional jam doughnuts. Interestingly, none of the test team voted the American doughnuts in first place; the local bakers being the overall victors.
Reg and I have the Aberfeldy HIM next Saturday, the 3rd leg of our UK HIM tour; this is a proper HIM distance race (1900m-92km-21km) in the Highlands of Scotland with perhaps the toughest bike course I have ridden, although I have painful memories of Bala so will confirm which race has the toughest bike course after next weekend. I've done this race 3 times before so am hoping to beat my course PB which is about 5:24 (I'm not very good at keeping records); sub 5:20 will be a real result.
That's all for now; lots of family activities planned for this week including going to watch the new "Mummy" movie and a day out in London (London Dungeon and either the Natural History or the Science Museum). And maybe some training as well.
Train smart folks.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
Well done on the training front Turbo. Getting the balance right is never easy. However, what are you up to running with Sags? I'm sure he was meant to be resting this weekend?
Sags was running with me; trust me, he wasn't working very hard at all! I may be able to get him working hard riding the bike but on a run? Forget it!
I forget. The Sags definition of rest actually involves training!
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