As for training, today was one of those days that make you feel really good, I took Bandit for a run in the park and did a nice easy first 15 minutes and then stepped it up a notch over the second 15. After that I took the kids to Summer Camp over at Wyton and then came back and jumped on the turbo for 3 x 20 minutes @ 95% of FTP (290 watts for me). I felt really strong and got through the session without any thoughts of giving up and an average HR of just 147. Legs are feeling it now though. Tomorrow is an easy day; maybe another 30 min run and then core, stretch and flex.
Train smart folks.
I need a new, more appropriately fitted bike - does it come in bright green? Or pink?
If you want pink go and have a look at Planet X; they did their Stealth in a limited run of pink - may have some left.
I like the bike Mick. The angles look relaxed; any info on the measurements? I can't fathom the logic of people rating a bike depending on which pro races which bike! It's all dictated by sponsorship anyway! If Cancellara moved to Team Columbia he would be racing a Giant bike. Would that make the Cervelo a slow bike!?! Look at Hincapie; he raced Trek for years and now he races Giant. At our level, once you get to a frameset costing more than £1000, surely there can't be that much emphasis on the bike? Look at me, I ride a girly bike. For us enthusiasts, it's the feel good factor!! Man, I have harped on! Got to rest..bye
I like that. It looks very nice. I particularly like the way the frame curves slightly around the rear wheel.
I also can't agree more with Sags. Apparently Lance Armstrong rode a TdF on a Litespeed but it was resprayed to look like a Trek because of sponsorship! If it inspires you to train and race then it's worth it.
Uh oh, I've figured-out how this blogging lark works....there may be trouble ahead.
Sags is right, you get diminishing returns on your cash when you spend big bucks. It's important however, to have a disc, as that makes one feel like a real TdF pro!
Have you looked at Cervelo Mick? My mate said he met a guy who swears they're THE best TT frame going....I'll get me coat.
Took me a while to figure out who Jorgan was! Thought he was a guest blogger from Sweden or something! Welcome to blog-land mighty Roth Man! Where is your Blog dude!?
I would speak to Westy about the slice as he was given one to race on at the Inter Services and Hated it.
They only look good whilst the tyres are clean I've noticed
Get a giant!!
One thought on sags comment. The giant i ride at the moment the frame costs £2000 and my Kuota frame cost £1000 (not what I paid)there is a noticeable difference as the giant is so much quicker to accellerate and feels so much stiffer on the climbs there is definately a difference and it must be obvious if I can notice it at my standard. Just my opinion though!
Sags - Adjustable seatpost so anything from 73 to 78 degrees is possible.
Tinman - I didn't realise Westy rode one at the IS; may have a chat. Faris Al Sultan seemed to like his Slice though!
James - Cervelo blah blah blah!
Daz, I really want a steep angled frame as my position on a road bike with tribars is truly shocking - I drag myself so far forward I look like Quasimodo sitting on the crossbar! I do like the Giant TT bike that appeared at the TdF but I reckon that would cost about £5 or 6 grand, even if you could buy one!
Might just wait and see what comes up in the sales in the Autumn - already seen Daz's bike down to "just" £2.5K!
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