I'm going to ignore what's going on in the rest of the country as there is more than enough written about it elsewhere.
The Excellent News. Our eldest lad scored sufficiently well in his UK Clinical Aptitude Test to be eligible to study Medicine at all his preferred universities. All he needs now is 3 As at A-level in Maths, Chemistry and Biology; how hard can that be?
The Good News. Last night I was back at the CrossFit gym and completed the WOD, which was:
5 rounds for time of:
25 kettlebell swings
25 sit-ups
25 dorsal raises
25 knees to chest
My only scaling was a reduction on the kettlebell to 50% of what I was lifting before to ensure I didn't strain the knee. A hard session that I really enjoyed, with no after effects whatsoever.
The Cr@p News. This morning I was doing a few odd jobs in and around the car, when I knelt down to lift something off the floor of the car. I experienced a huge shooting pain in my knee, that I can only liken to a red hot poker being stuck into the joint (although I can't be sure as I have never actually experienced this!). The knee was immediately extremely sore and stiff, and moving it was very painful. I headed straight to my favourite chair, with a strong coffee, painkillers and the ice pack, and watched a couple of episodes of Top Gear whilst applying RICE principles and hoping it was something that only required the 'Magic Sponge' treatment. I'm writing this some 4 hours later and the icing appears to have prevented any significant swelling but the knee is still very sore and stiff. I'm really, really miffed. I was (IMHO) making good progress, I was walking over an hour a day, flexibility was almost back to pre-injury levels (ie not great as I've had 2 major ops on this knee), and I was slowly becoming more active and even contemplating trying to jog sometime in the very near future. Now, though, I seem to be back where I was 8 weeks ago just after the injury occurred.
Hope my fellow bloggers are having a better day than me. All the best.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
So, back on the Medical path again for son one ... ?
Sorry to hear about the knee, it's usually the most stupid little things that cause the problem when you least expect it :-( hope it makes a speedy recovery.
Great news for your son mate, bad news about the knee, hope it settles down soon for you. Plenty of rest and cake should do it.
Feel for you dude. See my latest post about avoiding self pity!
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