Is ready! 10-speed, mudguards and lights. Excellent! Shame it's waaaaaaaaaay tooooo foooooooookin' cold to be out cycling! :-) But the turbo bike is ready, so I am ready. But it's Christmas ... so I'm resting. So I'm getting fat. :-)
Love you all. See you in the New Year.
PS I'm seriously tempted to turn up at the IS duathlon - that should give you all a laugh! Haven't done the duathlon since the Number 69 Porn Pants debacle - Jackie Wren still laughs about that!
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
Run/walk strategy in a Duathlon will give the crowds plenty of time to admire porn pants - that episode passed me by or perhaps my memory is just fading with age :-)
Saw my mate Paul (he of the mega bling training bikes - plural) on his cross bike yesterday, snow everywhere and -6, I think he has a screw loose!
-9 degrees this morning on the ride to work. No excuses Tman
Mr T Man NOT riding in such temperatures shows a modicum of sense.
Something I'm not normally known for, but I'll take it as a compliment this time! Not a great deal happening on the exercise front but I'm eating a bit more sensibly. However, there are 2 days of gluttony on the horizon...
Do the Du and go for a bike split! Last year they had a separate timing results sheet for fastest bike lap! Now that must tempt you? Easy 5k run, 2 laps warm up on the bike, then 1 lap eyeballs out for a good bike split, then cool down for remainder of bike. Oh yes, an easy 2.5k run/walk to finish. kylie pants not obligatory!
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