3 days after the Cowman HIM it was the RAF Sprint Distance Champs at RAF Cranwell. Unsurprisingly, my legs had been stiff and sore since Cowman and so I felt there was no pressure to perform at Cranwell; I had a ready-made excuse if it all went badly.
I hadn't pre-entered, as I wasn't sure how I would feel after a HIM at the weekend, but I was feeling OK so decided to race. The weather forecast was grim, but fortunately the rain held off until the finish. Or at least until after I had finished! It was a bit windy but certainly not enough to cause any significant issues. I put in a somewhat conservative swim time but nevertheless found myself in Wave 11 out of 14. The swim went OK; I had some minor leakage in my goggles but not enough to cost me time and I was out of the pool a few seconds after Super Bev. T1 was OK; it's a sprint race so no socks or gloves and with the dry weather there was no need for the cycling top. Out onto the bike and it took me a few hundred metres to get into my rhythm, but across the airfield I started to pick off competitors. It was just after the dip out the back of the Station that I caught Bev and I worked hard along that seemingly endless piece of road; the effort did not seem to be translating into speed though. After the right turn the wind got behind me and I found my bike legs and really started to motor. This was fun. Not only was I catching people but I was overtaking them travelling significantly faster. The course is a bit lumpy and the road surface isn't great but I kept the cadence up and was really enjoying it. The price, of course, is that you turn round and face into the wind again, and the slight uphill drag after the turnaround seemed to suck the life out of my legs. I thought after I turned left for the long straight back to Cranwell there would be a friendly tailwind but that didn't seem to materialise, although I was travelling pretty swiftly I never touched the Secret Weapon (the 11-tooth sprocket). I caught Simon Covell (from the previous wave) through the FQ patch; this would be very useful later on. Into T2 and after asking a poor lady novice if she would mind getting out of my way (I apologise if I may have come across as a bit rude) I racked the bike, grabbed my trainers and was off. Onto the run and I had a feeling I don't think I have ever had at this stage of a triathlon before. I felt like I was actually running. I was overtaking people. Simon came back passed me across the airfield and quickly opened a gap of 60 or 70 metres but then it stabilised. We were overtaking a number of people but I was determined to not let that gap grow any further. This was hurting. A lot. I don't think I have ever run so hard in a race before; I usually get into my comfort zone and just plod round, but this was certainly much different. Back across the airfield and would you believe it, I think the gap between Simon and I is getting smaller. Along the main road and the gap has definitely shrunk; it's maybe 20 metres now. Could I catch him? Passed the gym and its now 10 metres but I am completely spent and that's how we finish. I looked at my watch and I've finished in 1:08:12, some 1 min 20 secs faster than last year. I am thoroughly delighted with this, especially just 3 days after a tough half-ironman distance race.
At the sharp end and behind Andy Fisher, the racing at the front was extremely close and we have an excellent core for the Inter Services; whether we have enough depth to challenge the Army we will have to wait and see. Expect to see a whole bunch of RAF Tri members circulating almost together on the bike and the run, just watch out for Tinman and his draft busters.
Well done to the organisers of the RAF Sprint Series and everyone who helped out. I know how much effort goes into putting on an event and it is very much appreciated. Thank you. And another BIG well done to the guy who suffered a puncture but bravely put the bike over his shoulders and ran back to T2. Top marks. Anyone know who this person was? Certainly deserves a special mention.
So there you have it; the way to Sprint Distance joy, it would appear, is to race a half-ironman just 3 days before. Go figure.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
cheers for that t-man, your going far too well and enjoying running!!!!
now ive got no hope?
Turbo, you never got in the 11t sprocket! I didn't get past the 16t as I had nothing in the tank at all. I had a bad swim, a bad bike but a good run. Definately too soon after the weekend. Not to worry i've punished myself for being a looser today with a 57 mile bike and transition into a 3 mile run.
LOL Daz, but I bet your bike was still faster than mine! Looking forward to seeing the splits.
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