I've already documented that my training since Bala hasn't been great, but that I was addressing that this week, albeit with a sense of panic. But it's been worse this week.
On Tuesday I took the dog out for his evening run (note his, not mine). As usual, he chased the rabbits and the squirrels and then we headed to a small lake for him to lay down in and cool off. I walked out onto the wooden pontoon and then Bandit (my dog) decided to jump up onto the pontoon. No problem, other than he got his leg trapped between 2 of the planks of wood that made up the pontoon. The more he pulled, the further his leg became trapped. He was squealing like a stuck pig and was clearly very distressed and in some pain. There was nothing I could do apart from get stuck in and try and pull him free. I managed it but in doing so Bandit decided to try and take a chunk out of my back - OUCH!
So my back was bloodied and sore but I was determined to keep training. Wednesday I did an abridged version of what is becoming the famous 6 x 6 session, in that it was 4 x 6 (well it is taper week!) at 330 watts. No problem with the session, other than it was hard and I was suffering from some discomfort in the saddle region. On closer inspection I had some sort of [censored to protect the children]. Anyway, the upshot of all that is that I was at The Doc's this morning and am now on a double dose of penicillin and have some cream to apply to the affected area. Hopefully, it will clear up before Sunday; I have an easy spin with some short race pace efforts planned for Saturday morning so I'm hoping I will be able to sit on the bike by then.
Can it get any worse for me?
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
hope Bandit is ok, good luck for the big race, sub 5 is on the cards!
remember that pain is only weakness leaving your body?
Yes he's fine.
Have you received a package from me yet?
Wow!! Sounds like a number of distractions dude. Wierd weeks can end up with a super strong performance, so don't let things get to you. You will be strong like bull!
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