A BIG well done to all those who completed the Dambuster at Rutland Water today. What horrible weather; spectating was brilliant fun, though, made all the more enjoyable with pre-race bacon butties and hot coffee while all the competitors were faffing around sorting kit out.
Well done to Andy Reardon and Vicky Webb on becoming RAF Champs 2008. Vicky also won 30-39 AG overall as well. Kelda won 40-49 AG and Bev won 50-59 AG so a great day for the ladies.
I took a number of pictures that I will load onto Photobucket later today and post the link and password on the RAF Tri forum. I also spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes or so at the exit of T1 and will post another piece here about what I saw. Suffice to say that "Why do 95% of those people that have their bike shoes clipped on in T1 do it?"
A rare shot of me looking happy in the water!
Thank you for speckle-tating Turbo! It was great to have your support and to hear your frustrated "Come on Debs" as I spent half an hour clipping into my bike at T1. A very good day for RAF Tri
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