We sometimes forget how vulnerable we are as cyclists, until something happens that makes you realise that we, cyclists, are at the mercy of drivers and whether they are paying attention to the road or their phone etc etc.
Yesterday, a colleague from work was out for his regular lunchtime ride. At a nearby set of traffic lights a car went through a red light and hit him. The impact was severe enough to break the frame completely in half! The car then hit another car before driving off. That's right, the piece of **** driving didn't even stop. I've not spoken to my colleague yet but by all accounts he is OK. No doubt a little shaken but probably just grateul to be alive.
So during these dark mornings and evenings, be sensible. Be safe and be seen. Or ride the turbo!
Take care folks.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
Timely reminder - my turbo is ready and waiting - just need to get the bike mounted on it!
Scarey times, I hit a car a couple of weeks ago as they turned right without checking their mirrors. Lucky for me I seen it coming and managed to turn right with them and only ended up rubbing down the side of the car. Still frightens you though! Hope your mate recovers and that the police find the driver.
Scary storey chap. I am commuting to Cambridge and using the Guided Busway for about 16 miles out of 21; so traffic free. It's the short ride either side that gets hairy. I now resemble a Christmas tree, i have so many lights fitted to body and bike!
Just to let you know Mick, that they have found the arsehole who did it and it is now in the hands of the law - whatever good that'll do...
At this time of year, I am just liking my turbo more and more ;o)
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