Joviality returns. Not quite as good as the Batman version but hey ho!
A lot of things going through my head today so this may be a bit random.
Other cyclists. This morning I was out on my ride and, as is my want, I gave a cheery 'Good Morning' to all cyclists I pass; it doesn't matter what bike they ride - road, MTB, sit-up-and-beg - I greet them all equally. Many respond in kind but others just give me a stiff ignoring. Not even eye contact. What's up with these people? Look up and smile. You never know it just might make you feel better.
Jockey wheels. Yes, the humble jockey wheel. Usually overlooked but over the past couple of rides I've had a feeling that my drivetrain wasn't as slick as it should be (I even got off the bike at one point to check the rear brake wasn't rubbing). I decided it was a bottom bracket issue so took out the chainset and gave the bottom bracket a good clean and put it back together. Still not as it should be. The wheel freehub was next and after spinning the wheel a few times I concluded this, too, was fine. The chain was clean and had been properly oiled which just left the jockey wheels. I took them out and removed the 'bearing'; they were indeed filthy, although I would be very surprised if this was sufficient to create enough drag to be noticeable. I duly cleaned them and applied bearing grease to all surfaces (that I subsequently found out was a mistake, these should be lubed using a light oil) and put it back together. It was certainly an improvement but still nowehere near as smooth as my TT bike, that has a ceramic bottom bracket and jockey wheel bearings. Which got me thinking; are ceramic bearings worth the cost? The FSA jockey wheel bearings cost nearly £40 for an improvement that probably can't be measured (although rank highly in the bling stakes!). I wasn't prepared to pay that. But I did find BBB jockey wheel ceramic bearing sets for less than £20 and so, in the interests of bike science, I duly invested in these. They haven't arrived yet but I will let you know the results once they're fitted.
Training. Training is going well and I'm really enjoying getting out on the bike almost every day (the joy of being on leave). Add in the structured turbo sessions and the build up to Challenge Barcelona is on course. And I've exceeded 4500 cycling miles so far this year.
Speed. Increased speed is the result of a balanced and structured training programme. Last night I received an email advising that the results of the New Forest Rattler sportive were available. I duly checked and was very pleasantly surprised to find that out of 334 riders that started the 79 mile route Hamish and I had recorded the 5th fastest time. Very happy with that.
Carbon bikes. My Planet X has been getting plenty of use lately and whilst I enjoy the lightness of a carbon bike this particular frame is no more comfortable than my aluminium/carbon Litespeed. I suppose this is a bit disappointing but then it should not be a total surprise; the Litespeed (in it's day) was at the upper end of the aluminium frame scale whereas the Planet X is at the bottom end of the carbon frame scale. That's not to say it's a bad frame; for the money it is very good. It's just that I feel there are much better frames out there just waiting for me to try.
Expensive pants. And I mean pants as in the English usage not the American version. My lads are now teenagers and have started buying their own clothes, including underwear. I've never quite got my head around some of the prices charged by the so-called 'designer labels' for underwear but I may have to have a re-think. My eldest lad bought some Calvin Klein pants, but bought briefs rather than his preferred boxer style. I prefer briefs (hopefully not too much info for you there) and so he gave them to me. And I must say they are one of the most comfortable pair of pants I have ever worn.
Weight. I'm now comfortably under 11 stone (10 12.4 this morning, ideal for prancing around in Calvin Klein pants!) which I find remarkable considering the constant battle I used to have with my fluctuating weight. I'm really enjoying my food as well (although I daren't tell Cavegirl about some of the stuff I eat!).
Start of the new school year. Hell's teeth kitting the kids out ready for the start of the new school year is expensive. I could have bought a very good mid-range carbon fibre framed beauty for what it's cost to get the kids ready for school. Or have I got my priorities wrong?
Well I think that's enough ramblings for one day. Train smart folks.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago
"...although I daren't tell Cavegirl about some of the stuff I eat!"
Too late, she's knows! ;-)
oh bugger! :-)
You bet she does, provided you go 4 hours something in Barcelona who cares! Although those 5 slices of toast have probably reminded you far better than I could the perils of carbs, particularly grain carbs!
The thought of you prancing about in expensive pants - I'm still rolling around the floor, LOL! Waaaaaay tooo much info!
Kids - you bet and you pay peanuts for their school fees too ...
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