Sometimes you just have to unwind, and what better opportunity than a pleasant dinner in the Wardroom (I work on a Naval establishment so it's the Wardroom not the Officers' Mess). As is usual with these type of evenings, any notion of healthy eating has to be set aside (along with my Primal instincts) and I tend to just eat what's put in front of me. I like food so it's not usually a problem. The meal was OK with the usual several glasses of wine (on top of the pre-dinner champagne and G&T - I think you can tell where this is going) and the dime bar chocolate pudding with cream was delicious although exceptionally rich (so rich in fact I could only manage 2 portions!) and I managed to snaffle a few After 8 mints with the coffee. Another glass or 2 of wine and a G&T and I decided I would head home at a perfectly reasonable 2345, feeling pleasantly 'mellow'. There were a few spots of rain as I started the 3 mile or so walk home (it's only 2 miles as the crow flies but you have to walk half a mile in the opposite direction to get out of the 'ship') and it took some 45 minutes or so to get home. I'm not quite sure what my thought process was at that particular time but I then decided that I really, really wanted a pizza. Actually, not a pizza, but 2 pizzas. So I put the oven on and 20 minutes or so later was tucking in to Goodfellas finest Margherita pizzas. Delicious. I have no clear recollection of what I watched on TV but Vin Diesel was in it and eventually I got to bed at about 0300. I know this because Mrs Turbo Man reminded me this morning; it seems I may have disturbed her with my stumbling around in the dark desperately trying to be quiet (hey, we've all been there!). Needless to say I was not the brightest of buttons this morning but a sausage and bacon roll with HP sauce and a steaming cup of coffee worked wonders. In case anyone is paying attention, I have spectacularly fallen off the Primal Diet wagon over the last 24 hours or so, so clearly need to serve some sort of penance. What better way than to beast myself over 101 miles of the Jurassic Beast sportive this Sunday; unfortunately the weather forecast is complete and utter pants with high wind and heavy rain forecast. It looks like the rain jacket, overboots and maybe even the winter bike with mudguards will be the order of the day. Should be a bundle of fun.
I hope you are all training well and enjoying the sunshine, as it appears it is going to disappear in time for the Bank Holiday weekend. Train smart folks.
Resetting - 5K Fitness Baseline Race
7 months ago