...just au revoir.
Off to BZN later today and I leave for Qatar tomorrow (Saturday) morning. Have fun in your cold and wet UK winter and I will do my best to come back a lean, mean cycling machine (who can maybe swim and run a little bit better as well!).
If anyone is down Brampton/Wyton way give Sags a call because I don't want him getting lonely on his weekly long bike rides.
See you later folks - and train smart! Or in your case Sags, train harder and more often!!! :-)
Yes yes.....anyone passing through Huntingdon area please stop in for a ride! I like my social bike rides. First Bally goes; now Mick too. Enjoy your gym work T Man!
Enjoy your 4 month training camp! I expect to see no muffin tops next season! :-)
Mmmmmm Muffins. Thanks frank I just realised what I've forgotten to have for breakfast. Have fun in the sun. Not too hot at the moment and the green bean coffee shack smoothies are to die for.... well not litterally.
Take it easy and don't worry about Sags he'll have plenty of people to train with over the winter months
How am I gonna survive without the banter? Every time I read it I die a little inside, but it makes me train more!
all the best t-man, enjoy!
i have another 4 weeks before i go south?
train smart
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