Not a great deal more completed but I put the wheels on and took it outside for (hopefully) a couple of better pics. The saddle is now fitted properly and I have ordered some titanium bolts specifically for the carbon bottle cages (wider and lower profile bolt head). In the daylight it looks really good; the graphics are very simple yet effective.
I got on the turbo this morning as well, nothing specific just an attempt to burn some calories and get the legs moving. I did though, do 20 minutes at my planned 2010 IM relay pace of 38kmh. This threw up some interesting (or maybe not!) stats. 38kmh equated to 94rpm in a 53/16 gear at 265 (Tacx) watts. This means I need an FTP of 340 watts in 2010 which represents an increase of 20 watts or 6.25% over my Sep 2009 figure; an entirely achievable target I would say and something I can focus on quite specifically in the weeks and months ahead.
Enjoy the rest of 2009, have a Happy New Year and train smart.